Valiela Marine Ecological Processes Pdf File

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  2. Ecological Processes Examples

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Read Marine Ecological Processes by Ivan Valiela with Rakuten Kobo. The oceans represent a vast, complex and poorly understood ecosystem. Marine Ecological Processes. Deegan LA, Kremer JN, Webler T. Social and ecological transferability of integrated ecological assessment models. Presented at the Environmental Protection Agency Water and Watersheds Progress Review Meeting, Washington, DC, April 1999.

The oceans represent a vast, complex and poorly understood ecosystem. Marine Ecological Processes is a modern review and synthesis of marine ecology that provides the reader-particularly the graduate student-with a lucid introduction to the intellectual concepts, approaches, and methods of this evolving discipline. Comprehensive in its coverage, this book focuses on the processes controlling marine ecosystems, communities, and populations and demonstrates how general ecological principles-derived from terrestrial and freshwater systems as well-apply to marine ecosystems. Numerous illustrations, examples, and references clearly impart to the reader the current state of research in this field: its achievements as well as unresolved controversies.

This is a comprehensive and highly respected synthesis of marine ecology. It has been well received both as a text and a reference book. Reviewers said 'organization of the book is logical, the writing is clear, and the text illustrations are well done' and 'this book has much to offer as a textbook.'

.Publications Details for: Social and Ecological Transferability of Integrated Ecological Assessment ModelsGrant NumberRFA:. Otherviews:.Reference TypeCitationProgress Report YearDocument SourcesBook ChapterDeegan LA, Kremer J, Webler T, Brawley J. The use of models in integrated resource management in the coastal zone.

In: Von Bodungen B, Turner RK, eds. Science and Integrated Coastal Management. Berlin: Dahlem University Press, 2001, pp. 295-306.not availableBook ChapterEmeis KC, Benoit JR, Deegan LA, Gilbert AJ, Lee V, McGlade JM, Meybeck M, Olsen SB, von Bodungen B. Group report: Unifying concepts for integrated coastal management.

In: von Bodungen B, Turner RK, eds. Berlin, Germany: Dahlem University Press, 2001, pp. 341-364.not availableBook ChapterKremer JN, Kemp WM, Giblin AE, Valiela I, Seitzinger SP, Hoffmann EE. Linking biogeochemical processes to higher trophic levels.

Part III, Chapter 12. In: Hobbie JE, ed. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2000, pp.

299-344.not availableBook ChapterPaerl HW, Boynton WR, Dennis RL, Driscoll CT, Greening HS, Kremer JN, Rabalais NN, Seitzinger SP. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in coastal waters: biogeochemical and ecological implications.

In: Valigura RA, Alexander RB, Castro MS, Meyers TP, Paerl HW, Stacey PE, Turner RE, eds. Nitrogen Loading in Coastal Water Bodies: An Atmospheric Perspective.

Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union Press, 2000, pp. 11-52. Other:Book ChapterSimenstad CA, Brandt SB, Chalmers A, Dame R, Deegan LA, Hodson R, Houde ED. Habitat-biotic interactions. Part V, Chapter 16.

In: Hobbie JE, ed. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2000, Chapter 16, pp. 427-455.not availableBook ChapterStacey PE, Greening HS, Kremer JN, Peterson D, Tomasko DA. Contributions of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to U.S. Estuaries: summary and conclusions. In: Valigura R, et al., eds. Nitrogen Loading in Coastal Water Bodies: An Atmospheric Perspective.

Urban ecological processes

Washington, DC: AGU Press, Vol. 57, Coastal and Estuarine Studies Series, 2001.not available(6)Dissertation/ThesisBrawley JW, Brush MJ, Kremer JN, Nixon SW. Potential applications of an empirical phytoplankton production model to shallow water ecosystems. Ecological Modelling (Chapter 2 of Brawley's dissertation).not available(1)Journal ArticleBrawley JW, Collins GN, Kremer JN, Sham CH, Valiela I. A time-dependent model of nitrogen loading to estuaries from coastal watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality 2000;29(5):1448-1461.not availableJournal ArticleCollins G, Kremer JN, Valiela I. Assessing uncertainty in estimates of nitrogen loading to estuaries for research, planning, and risk assessment.

Environmental Management 2000; 25(6):635-645. Full-text:Journal ArticleDeegan LA, Wright A, Ayvazian SG, Finn JT, Golden H, Merson RR, Harrison J. Nitrogen loading alters seagrass ecosystem structure and support of higher trophic levels. Aquatic Conservation - Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2002;12(2):193-212.not availableJournal ArticleDietz T, Tanguay J, Tuler S, Webler T. Making computer models useful: an exploration of expectations by modelers and local officials. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.not availableJournal ArticleGraham S, Davis J, Deegan L, Cebrian J, Hughes J, Hauxwell J.

Effect of eelgrass (Zostera marina) density on the feeding efficiency of mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Biological Bulletin 1998;195(2):241-243.not availableJournal ArticleHughes JE, Deegan LA, Weaver MJ, Costa JE.

Regional application of an index of estuarine biotic integrity based on fish communities. Estuaries 2002;25(2):250-263.not availableJournal ArticleHughes JE, Deegan LA, Wyda JC, Weaver MJ, Wright A.

The effects of eelgrass habitat loss on estuarine fish communities of southern new England. Estuaries 2002, Volume: 25, Number: 2 (APR), Page: 235-249.not availableJournal ArticleHughes JE, Deegan LA, Weaver MJ.

Transferability of an index of estuarine biotic integrity based on fish communities. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.not availableJournal ArticleKremer JN, Reischauer A, D'avanzo C.

Estuary-specific variation in the air-water gas exchange coefficient for oxygen. Estuaries 2003;26(4A):829-836.not availableJournal ArticleKremer JN, Nixon SW, Buckley B, Roques P. Technical note: conditions for using the floating chamber method to estimate air-water gas exchange.

Estuaries 2003;26(4A):985-990.not availableJournal ArticleVaudrey JMP, Kremer JN. Ecosystem metabolism and nitrogen assimilation by dominant primary producers in three shallow temperate estuaries in relation to nitrogen availability. Estuaries.not availableJournal ArticleWyda JC, Deegan LA, Hughes JE, Weaver MJ. The response of fishes to submerged aquatic vegetation complexity in two ecoregions of the mid-Atlantic bight: Buzzards Bay and Chesapeake Bay.

Estuaries 2002;25(1):86-100.not available(12)PaperTuler S, Dietz T, Webler T, Tanguay J. Viewpoints on ecological models by town officials in New England. Paper presented at the 11th Meeting of the Society for Human Ecology, Jackson Hole, WY, October 18-22, 2000.not available(1)PresentationBiddle A, Kremer J. The relative importance of chlorophyll and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the attenuation of light in shallow coastal waters.

Presented at the New England Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Block Island, RI, November 3, 2000.not availablePresentationBiddle A. The relative importance of chlorophyll and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the attenuation of light in shallow coastal waters. Presented at the S.Y. Feng Graduate Student Colloquium, Marine Science Department, University of Connecticut, May 25, 2000.not availablePresentationBowen JL, Brawley JW, Kremer JN, Collins G, Valiela. Historical changes in land use within the Waquoit Bay, MA watershed: impacts on eelgrass meadows. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 9, 1999.not availablePresentationBranco B, Kremer J.

The recovery of submerged aquatic vegetation in Mumford Cove, CT after cessation of excessive nutrient inputs. Published abstract of poster presented at the ASLO Winter Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 1998.not availablePresentationBrawley JW, Kremer JN. Critical responses to nutrient loading in the Waquoit Bay estuarine ecosystem. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationBrawley JW, Kremer JN. Modeling ecosystem responses in the Waquoit Bay estuarine system. Presented at the New England Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Block Island, RI, November 3, 2000.not availablePresentationBrawley JW, Brush MJ, Kremer JN, Nixon SW. Modeling phytoplankton production.

Application of an empirical model to shallow water ecosystems. Presented to the New England Estuarine Research Society, New London, CT, May 7, 1998.not availablePresentationBrawley JW, Brush MJ, Nixon SW, Kremer JN.

Modeling phytoplankton production. II: An empirical production model for shallow water ecosystems. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationBrawley JW, Kremer JN, Valiela I, Short F, Sham CH, Geist M. Simulating the ecological effects of nitrogen loads to a shallow estuary. Presented to the Estuarine Research Federation, Providence, RI, October 1997.not availablePresentationBrawley JW, Kremer JN, Valiela I, Short F, Sham CH, Geist M. Simulating the ecological responses to nitrogen loads in shallow estuaries. Presented at the 4th Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water Science and Management Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, March 15, 1998.not availablePresentationBrush MJ, Brawley JW, Nixon SW, Kremer JN.

Modeling phytoplankton production. Problems with the Eppley Curve and an empirical alternative.

Presented to the New England Estuarine Research Society, New London, CT, May 7, 1998.not availablePresentationBrush MJ, Brawley JW, Nixon SW, Kremer JN. Modeling phytoplankton production. I: Problems with the Eppley Curve and an empirical alternative. Presented to the Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationBrush M, Nixon SW, Brawley JW, Kremer JN. Modeling phytoplankton production I. Problems with the Eppley formulation and an empirical alternative. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationCurrie W, Kremer JN.

Model seeks data for mutual gratification. Poster presented at the NEERS Meeting, Block Island, RI, November 2000.not availablePresentationDeegan LA. A comparison of the effects of nutrient loading on seagrass and saltmarsh ecosystems. Presented to the Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, November 5-10, 2000.not availablePresentationDeegan LA. Changes in the watershed: making the link between houses and fishes.

Watersheds at bay: impacts of land use on coastal water quality. Presented to the Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, Three Bays Preservation, Inc., the Cape Cod Commission, and the Center for Marine Science and Technology, Cape Cod Academy, Osterville, MA, May 6, 2000.not availablePresentationDeegan LA. Changing land use and estuaries (CLUE): modeling the links between land use and fish production. Presented at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, March 12, 1999.not availablePresentationDeegan LA. Important attributes of seagrass systems as essential marine fisheries habitat. Presented at the Ecological Society of America, NOAA Marine Ecosystem Classification Workshop, Long Key Marine Station, Long Key, FL, October 1999.not availablePresentationDeegan LA. Marine Experts Workshop.

Presented at the New England Aquarium's Conference Center, Boston, MA, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, January 20, 1999.not availablePresentationDeegan LA, Kremer JN, Webler T. Social and ecological transferability of integrated ecological assessment models. Presented at the Environmental Protection Agency Water and Watersheds Progress Review Meeting, Washington, DC, April 1999.not availablePresentationDeegan LA The use of models in integrated resource management in the coastal zone. Presented at the Dahlem Workshop on Science and Integrated Coastal Management, Clubhaus of the Free University of Berlin, Germany, December 12-17, 1999.not availablePresentationDeegan L, Kremer J, Hughes J, Brawley J, Webler T. Changing land use and estuaries (CLUE): modeling the links between land use and fish production. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation 15th Biennial International Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationDeegan, L, Kremer J, Hughes J, Brawley J, Webler T.

Urban Ecological Processes

Changing land use and estuaries (CLUE): modeling the links between land use and fish production. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationHughes JE, Deegan LA. Application and adaptation of an index of biotic integrity based on estuarine fish communities. Presented to the American Fisheries Society, Southern New England Chapter, Hadley, MA, June 2001.not availablePresentationHughes JE, Deegan LA. Application of an index of biotic integrity based on the fish community of eelgrass habitats.

Presented at the USEPA Boston Eelgrass Conference, Boston, MA, February 2001.not availablePresentationHughes JE. Research profile-the MBL and coastal ecological science.

Presented at the Coastal Marsh Research Symposium, Massachusetts Wetlands Restoration and Banking Program, Plymouth, MA, November 2000.not availablePresentationHughes JE. Social and ecological transferability of integrated ecological models. Presented at the USEPA Water and Watersheds Review Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2001.not availablePresentationHughes JE, Deegan LA, Costa JE. The relationship of water quality to fish community structure in southeastern New England estuaries. Presented to the New England Estuarine Research Society, Block Island, RI, November 2000.not availablePresentationHughes J, Deegan L, Wyda J, Weaver M, Wright A.

Loss of eelgrass habitat and effects on fish communities of southeastern Massachusetts. Presented to the American Fisheries Society, Southern New England Chapter, Old Lyme, CT, June 2000.not availablePresentationKremer JN, Brawley JW. Assessing critical nutrient loads by modeling estuarine responses in Waquoit Bay, MA. Presented at the NEERS Meeting, Falmouth, MA, October 1998.not availablePresentationKremer JN, Currie WJS, Brawley J.

Ecological Processes Examples

Changing land use and estuaries, a C.L.U.E. For informed management. Presented at the ASLO Winter Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, February 2001.not availablePresentationKremer JN.

Estimating responses to N loading: science & planning. Presented to the University of Massachusetts, Boston, Environmental Coastal and Ocean Science Department, March 1999.not availablePresentationKremer JN, Brawley JW, Nixon DE, Brush M, Deegan JL, Hughes J, et al.

Exploring transferability in an estuarine ecological model. Invited contribution to special session on modeling eutrophication. Presented at the Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 1999.not availablePresentationKremer JN. Including extreme patchiness in a model of macroalgae production. Presented at the NEERS Meeting, Salem, MA, June 2001.not availablePresentationKremer JN, Deegan L, Webler T. Social and ecological transferability of integrated ecological assessment models.

Presented at the USEPA STAR Water and Watersheds Program Review Meeting, Silver Spring, MD, April 1999.not availablePresentationKremer, JN. Estuarine responses to N loading from changing land use-can science help planners?

Invited seminar at UMASS Boston, Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Science Department, March 1999.not availablePresentationKroeger KD, Cole ML, Brawley J, Valiela I. The influence of watershed land use and vadose zone thickness on the quantity and lability of organic nitrogen transported by groundwater to coastal waters.

Presented at the New England Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Block Island, RI, November 3, 2000.not availablePresentationTanguay J, Dietz T, Tuler S,Webler T. Modeler expectations of a good computer-based planning tool for local land use management.

Presented at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Bellingham, WA, 2000.not availablePresentationVaudrey JMP, Kremer JN. Ecosystem metabolism in three shallow sub-estuaries in relation to nutrient loading. Presented at the NEERS Meeting, Block Island, RI, November 3, 2000.not availablePresentationVaudrey JMP.

Ecosystem production and respiration in three shallow sub-estuaries related to varying degrees of nutrient loading. Presented at the S.Y. Feng Graduate Student Colloquium, Marine Science Department, University of Connecticut, May 25, 2000.not availablePresentationVaudrey JMP, Biddle A. Ongoing research in the Niantic River and other shallow estuaries in Connecticut and Rhode Island. Presented at the Niantic River Action Group Meeting, hosted by Millstone Power Plant and Connecticut State Sea Grant College Program, June 16, 2001.not availablePresentationWebler, T, Kremer J. Social and ecological transferability of ecosystem assessment models.

Presented at the USEPA Water and Watersheds Workshop, Silver Spring, MD, 1999.not availablePresentationWyda JC, Deegan LA. Comparison of estuarine fish communities from the Chesapeake Bay and southern New England and the response to varying levels of habitat quality. Presented at the southern New England chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Hadley, MA, June 1999.not available(43)ProceedingsHughes JE, Deegan LA, Wyda JC, Wright A. An index of biotic integrity based on fish community structure applied to Rhode Island and Connecticut estuaries.

In: Proceedings of the Long Island Sound Research Conference, Stamford, CT, November 2000.not available(1)ReportBrush MJ, Brawley JW, Nixon SW, Kremer JN. Modeling phytoplankton production: problems with the Eppley Curve and an empirical alternative. Marine Ecology Progress Series.not availableReportWebler T, Tuler S, Tanguay J, Dietz T. Modelers' views on the role of nitrogen loading models in ecosystem management.

Independently peer-reviewed technical report. Social and Environmental Research Institute, Leverett, MA, 2001.not available(2)SymposiumDeegan LA. A comparison of the effects of nutrient loading on seagrass and saltmarsh ecosystems. Presented at the U.S. National Committee to the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Symposium on Nutrient Over-Enrichment in Coastal Waters: Global Patterns of Cause and Effect, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, October 11-13, 2000.not available(1).

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