Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm Of Zehir Patch 1.22

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Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm Of Zehir Patch 1.22 Average ratng: 7,9/10 4010 votes

I think speculation suggests Roy's dexterity is probably only 10, but yeah, you're probably going to want to cheat a tad to get the stats right.That being said.Roy is a pretty straightforward power attacking, weapon specialization fighter. The only feat that really stands out for him is knockdown, which is also a pretty decent anti-caster feat. I wouldn't pick it up until later on.Belkar starts off as pure ranger, dual wielding daggers. Not much to say here, although Panther is probably the closest you can get to Mister Scruffy. Barbarian you can pick up level 10 or so.Duelist is probably the best fit for Elan's prestige class.

Issue is that it's intelligence based. Not sure what you can do about that.The rest of the order are single classed characters with fairly stock builds apart from Haley taking Martial weapon proficiency (longbow).

Neverwinter Nights 2/Patches. Of the Betrayer; 1.10 1.11; 1.11 1.12; 1.12 1.13; 1.13 Storm of Zehir; 1.14 1.21; 1.15 1.22; 1.16 1.23. Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign Fixes. Fixed an issue that was causing a crash when exiting the Sunken Flagon. Fixed various conversation issues in the Skymirror area. Storm of Zehir Campaign Fixes. Reduced the spawn rate and maximum number of encounters on the overland map. The NPC Redfeyer will no longer simply sing in combat.

Well, here's what I know:Roy's ability scores are, as you say, above what's possible for a NWN based character (point buy), but we know he got Weapon Specialisation ASAP, so he'll have that at level four. I figure it's best to put it points mostly in Str, Con, and Int, to most accurately reflect his character, and let the other ones slide. Questions arise on how to spend his skill points, since I'm looking at 12-14 Int, + human. Fighters have even less places than usual to spend skill points in NWN.

There's a quite extensive crafting system which it pays to take advantage of, but it's fairly certain he doesn't have Craft Weapon (had someone else reforge his sword) and there's no evidence he has Craft Armour excepting that he never takes his armour in for repairs. Although that may be evidence enough.V actually may have more stat points than he knows what to do with; in comic, he seems to be pretty bad at everything except Int. He even mentions having 'no real bonus with rays', which seems to me 12-13 Dex at most.

He also has a Strength penalty, is included in the party members with no Charisma, and not particularly wise nor healthy. He does seem to be very good at Evocation though, so I imagine spell focus and the like seem easy choices. Curious what to do with his bonus feats as he doesn't seem to have any item crafting skills except the Scribe Scroll he gets by default (he mentions using role-playing experience to fuel that.)Belkar and Elan are both going to be terrible in combat, but Storm of Zehir is particular about rewarding groups that have almost every single skill as proficient. They'll both make decent skill monkeys, although within NWN 2 there's no real way to give Elan the later melee presence he would have via Dashing Swordsman.

Swashbuckler and Duelist are the only things even remotely close, and both are based off Int, not Cha. If I want Elan to have any sort of combat presence, he'd have to swap his Int and Cha scores and I'd have to pretend like he didn't, which would make his spellcasting largely ineffective to boot. Seems a poor choice.Belkar's multiclass wouldn't come until late in the game if at all, which is probably just as well, because it would be a terrible combination. Multiclass XP penalty, minimal Rage benefits, massively irritating Strength penalty and nearly useless Dexterity bonus, and nowhere near as effective in combat as the strip makes him out to be.

Then again, I'm doing this partly for the challenge. I could easily steamroll SoZ with optimal characters. Since he also doesn't get an animal companion until late in the strip and nothing in NWN 2 resembles a house chat, I just won't ever summon it. Favoured enemies?

I figure Human's one, not sure on the other two. Reptilian, for Kobolds? The third?Durkon's biggest issue is finding a non-Chaotic Thunder God in the FR pantheon that NWN 2 has. Other than that, I think he mostly goes off without a hitch.

What was his second, pre-Vampire Domain? It mentions Good, and 'domain spells as listed above' but fails to uhm.list them above.Haley's only problem is figuring out where to blow her immense amount of skill points.

We know Hide's her best skill, and she keeps Bluff maxed, but not Search (and probably not Disable Device, guessing by her having the kobold sent forth to spring traps when available.) We also know she has at least some UMD skill, and probably decent Charisma.Man, this is a big undertaking if I care to be at all accurate. Although within NWN 2 there's no real way to give Elan the later melee presence he would have via Dashing Swordsman. Swashbuckler and Duelist are the only things even remotely close, and both are based off Int, not Cha.

If I want Elan to have any sort of combat presence, he'd have to swap his Int and Cha scores and I'd have to pretend like he didn't, which would make his spellcasting largely ineffective to boot. Seems a poor choice.Actually, if you add in Kaedrin's PRC pack, you can get somewhat of an approximation from Elan.

The easy answer is Kaedrin's Snowflake Wardance implementation that could approximate the to-hit bonus from the puns. Plus, if you can work around the prereqs, more PRCs open up (Canaith Lyrist, Bladesinger and Dread Pirate could all partially fit IMO). Actually, if you add in Kaedrin's PRC pack, you can get somewhat of an approximation from Elan. The easy answer is Kaedrin's Snowflake Wardance implementation that could approximate the to-hit bonus from the puns. Plus, if you can work around the prereqs, more PRCs open up (Canaith Lyrist, Bladesinger and Dread Pirate could all partially fit IMO)Not to be exceedingly nitpicky, but as I hear, the end level for SoZ is around sixteen. I'd prefer to stay closer to core material than significantly alter the game for one to three levels of a PrC (since we currently have Elan at Bard 13 and DS 1.) Elan will already have somewhat increased melee presence by means of NWN Bard Song being superiour to PnP Bard Song, It's a rough call.

If I focus more on Bard/base classes, I risk making Elan better in melee than normal, and if I focus exclusively on Bard, I might make his spells more powerful than intended.Think I might be making too much of a fuss over minor details, though. I've never.actually. spent much time playing SoZ. Is it worth it? I was never terribly impressed.To me, it's like an updated Wizardry game (except with non-menu combat.) If you edit the game to have six custom characters, that's exactly what you're playing, basically. As an old Wizardry fan, I think that's great.

You don't get inter-party dialogue that way, but you still have plenty of conversing to do with NPCs.Furthermore, I like how the game rewards you repeatedly for making a skill-diverse party, and assigning the right tasks to the right people. The party wilderness leader is best off having Survival, Listen, Spot, Hide, Move Silently, and if possible, Track. A face or two should be doing all the talking, and even then it's best to have all your social skills maxed. There's an extensive item crafting system and a realistic rest system, both of which make having a Warlock a great choice. My last party used one as my token evil teammate.I mean obviously no game is for everyone, but I think this was the best thing to ever happen to NWN. It's nice to play a game where party cooperation and skills are as or more important than your combat stats. I know from experience how difficult it is to create a game where you're literally checking every skill once in awhile (except Perform, but that has social benefits too.)I advise a Bard, Warlock, Ranger, and Rogue on the team, but really any team will work so long as you get almost or all skills covered.

Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm Of Zehir Patch 1.22 Update

You don't even.have. to craft, but almost all the best gear is crafted (hence having a Warlock, it's just easier than dividing the duties between multiple casters, and Warlocks don't get near as much use from metamagic feats anyhow so it's perfect.)Of course that's why I'm wanting to do the Order as a challenge. No one has any ranks in Survival, Belkar is going to have terrible Charisma, yet be responsible for both Taunt (NWN specific social skill, with minor combat applications) and Intimidate. Of course he'll also be saddled with crappy weapons for meleeing.I expect Roy and V will be glass-cannon mook-sweepers while Durkon and Haley deal with any large single targets with piles of HP.


Belkar.I just don't know. Tiny weapons and a bunch of attacks, but a strength penalty and nothing like Sneak Attack to add to all those attacks. Elan will have to focus on buffs and maybe a few enchantment spells. On the plus side, Mirror Image is one of those buffs, an Illusion spell, and superb for protecting meleers.It'll be fun. If I weren't too lazy to take 250 screenshots or so, I'd do an LP of it. I've edited the game to allow me a party of six custom-made characters (at the expense of ever using any of the Cohorts). No guesses as to what I want to do with that.;)Heh.

I approve of this idea.Roy: This seems simple enough. He's a fighter, with all the greatsword specialization feats. Maybe give him Combat Expertise - He's got the Int for it, and as a shieldless fighter, Blue Warrior needs AC badly. Roy has very good stats in the comic - the mind flayer chose to eat his brain over V's, indicating good INT, WIS and CHR. He also has good STR and CON, as a fighter, leaving DEX as the only dump stat. I agree with Douglas - you can't make Roy without cheating.Haley: There is an ice-themed longbow in the underdark black market in this game - be sure to get that for her before killing the shopkeeper. Otherwise, Haley's a rogue with a longbow.

Martial weapon proficiency is a must, maybe get weapon focus: longbow as well.Elan: There is an often-overlooked class that works a lot like what little we know of Dashing Swordsman. Cleric!I'm serious. Get Power Attack, then pick up 1 level of cleric on a feat level. That lets Elan take Divine Might, which lets him add his Charisma bonus to damage. You also get 2 domains - I'd pick Milil as deity, which is a good fit for the character and also has rapier as a favoured weapon. War domain gives him a rapier-specific bonus. And I really have no clue what to pick for the second domain.

You only need 1 cleric level, go back to bard after that. Elan's wisdom is too low to cast cleric spells, but that's not why we're taking the class, so there is no problem.Durkon: Dwarf cleric. Air domain gives him lighting spells, so you can have Thor's Lightning. Alas, you can't have Thor. He's not in this game, and it wouldn't let a LG cleric worship a CG god anyway. If you want to get Warhammer proficiency via war domain, there are some gods with it as favored weapon that that a LG dwarf can worship.Vaarsuvius: Elf, wizard, Evoker!

Fill V's spellbook with fireballs and you're good to go. You can't have any kind of bird as a familiar. You could take the cat, call it 'Mr Scruffy', and pretend it's Belkar's. The game will let you have True Neutral as an alignment option, but not as a gender option, so you have to to choose 'male' or 'female', unfortunately.Belkar: Dual-wielding ranger with 2 daggers. The good news is that NWN2 doesn't bother with small-sized weapons, so he doesn't suffer from weapon shrinkage. Give him weapon focus: dagger and turn 'Defend Master' off in the behaviour menu.

Rangers are nice to have in SoZ due to the skills - which include Survival as a class skill. Once he gets his barbarian level he adds fast movement, which really helps you move around the overland map. There's just one small problem: the comic clearly states Belkar didn't put any points in there.

Not having a character with good survival skill is really going to hurt you. (Durkon could pick up the slack here if you give him 1 level of Stormlord, which has Survival as a class skill and is oddly Thor-appropriate. That's not the easiest prestige class to get into, so you would have to plan that from the beginning)Have fun with your terribly suboptimal builds!

(Actually, Durkon and Elan are pretty good.). I approve of this idea.Roy: This seems simple enough. He's a fighter, with all the greatsword specialization feats. Maybe give him Combat Expertise - He's got the Int for it, and as a shieldless fighter, Blue Warrior needs AC badly. Roy has very good stats in the comic - the mind flayer chose to eat his brain over V's, indicating good INT, WIS and CHR. He also has good STR and CON, as a fighter, leaving DEX as the only dump stat.

I agree with Douglas - you can't make Roy without cheating.Haley: There is an ice-themed longbow in the underdark black market in this game - be sure to get that for her before killing the shopkeeper. Otherwise, Haley's a rogue with a longbow. Martial weapon proficiency is a must, maybe get weapon focus: longbow as well.Elan: There is an often-overlooked class that works a lot like what little we know of Dashing Swordsman. Cleric!I'm serious. Get Power Attack, then pick up 1 level of cleric on a feat level.

That lets Elan take Divine Might, which lets him add his Charisma bonus to damage. You also get 2 domains - I'd pick Milil as deity, which is a good fit for the character and also has rapier as a favoured weapon. War domain gives him a rapier-specific bonus. And I really have no clue what to pick for the second domain. You only need 1 cleric level, go back to bard after that.

Elan's wisdom is too low to cast cleric spells, but that's not why we're taking the class, so there is no problem.Durkon: Dwarf cleric. Air domain gives him lighting spells, so you can have Thor's Lightning.

Alas, you can't have Thor. He's not in this game, and it wouldn't let a LG cleric worship a CG god anyway. If you want to get Warhammer proficiency via war domain, there are some gods with it as favored weapon that that a LG dwarf can worship.Vaarsuvius: Elf, wizard, Evoker! Fill V's spellbook with fireballs and you're good to go. You can't have any kind of bird as a familiar. You could take the cat, call it 'Mr Scruffy', and pretend it's Belkar's.

The game will let you have True Neutral as an alignment option, but not as a gender option, so you have to to choose 'male' or 'female', unfortunately.Belkar: Dual-wielding ranger with 2 daggers. The good news is that NWN2 doesn't bother with small-sized weapons, so he doesn't suffer from weapon shrinkage. Give him weapon focus: dagger and turn 'Defend Master' off in the behaviour menu. Rangers are nice to have in SoZ due to the skills - which include Survival as a class skill. Once he gets his barbarian level he adds fast movement, which really helps you move around the overland map.

There's just one small problem: the comic clearly states Belkar didn't put any points in there. Not having a character with good survival skill is really going to hurt you. (Durkon could pick up the slack here if you give him 1 level of Stormlord, which has Survival as a class skill and is oddly Thor-appropriate. That's not the easiest prestige class to get into, so you would have to plan that from the beginning)Have fun with your terribly suboptimal builds! (Actually, Durkon and Elan are pretty good.)Actually that's a really good solution to the Dashing Swordsman issue, as Divine Might isn't worried at all about how many Cleric levels he has.

The 0 BAB for that level is meh, but I'm not sure DS would have full BAB anyhow. Just have to remember to take the Cleric level at 12 and to actually get Power Attack. That bit is slightly off for Elan, but it's actually a more elegant solution than a lot of other options, and I could see Elan picking up useless feats anyhow.:p Luck seems like the most appropriate second domain, here. Free feat too.Durkon's kind of a pickle. Moradin has Earth, Law, Good, and Protection, although Warhammer is favoured weapon. Doesn't technically have War by the book, but then again, there's no one who does, allows LG Clerics, and has Warhammer as a favoured weapon.

Two out of three ain't bad. Tyr has the right alignment and War domain but different favoured weapon.

Stormlord fits the Thor concept, but requires Spear to be the weapon, also throwing out the shield or requiring Monkey Grip. My impulse is to say 'improvised Moradin with Earth and War.'

Gets him the Warhammer proficiency and Focus, Toughness Feat, and two really useful spells from Earth domain, one of which (Stoneskin) isn't even normally on the Cleric list, and Energy Immunity at 5 means not sucking up Heal slots. Or I could do Air and War. Air gives Uncanny Dodge, which is pretty much useless to Durkon, but does give Call/Chain Lightning, which is more in keeping with Thor.I guess the question is - Air Domain for spell accuracy and a useless feat, or Earth for Dwarven theme accuracy (Stoneskin and Toughness.) with the side benefit of moving Energy Immunity to a more useful level?

Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm Of Zehir Patch 1.22 Version

At least Moradin makes sense - if there weren't a Thor, Durkon is so devoted to dwarvenness that Moradin fits wonderfully. It seems like it would be pretty simple to modify a couple of config files and make a Thor available.2da files, I think. Except I wouldn't have the slightest idea where to begin. Even in NWN 1 I never did any work outside the module editor. Actual file alteration is beyond me. I don't think it's that big a deal anyhow. Especially if we go with Air and War, then Moradin is basically Thor with a different name.

Earth and War is less 'Thor' but more 'Dwarf.' Alright, I think I can do up everyone except Durkon without any controversy.Level 1 until I make Durkon:Roy Greenhilt:Str 17Dex 8Con 14Int 13Wis 12Cha 12Background: Natural Leader (+1 to companion attack rolls, -1 to saves.)Feats: Luck of Heroes, Power Attack, Cleave.


(L2 to be Great Cleave, 3 Weapon Focus, 4 Weapon Specialisation, so he'll start with GC and WS.)Skill points spent in Craft Armour, Lore, Intimidate, and Taunt. Other questions: Should I drop Roy's Con to 10 to do 18 Str and 14 Int? We don't really have evidence of his Con anywhere, but it seems his Int should be at least 14 to put his mental score totals to at least equal V's. Technically, they should exceed V's but there's really no way to do it with point buy; Roy's scores exceed point buy and V's fall under it.Haley also looks to exceed point buy a tad bit unless she's the only member of the Order to not have an 18 somewhere. Apparently she's supposed to have at least 13 Strength, but I don't really picture her Int/Cha as lower than 14. Should I pop her Dex down to 17 to accommodate the 13 Str C&L Geekery says she has?Should V be a Sun Elf? I have V as a Moon Elf because none of the Sun Elf skin colours were pale enough.

The only difference would be -2 Dex and +2 Int, which would make V a smidge more powerful as well; +1 all DCs and some extra bonus spells.Would it be better to give Elan his 18 Cha, drop Str to 10, and try to find some non-Divine Might method of accounting for Dashing Swordsman later? Offhand my readily available resources are 1) taking buff spells Elan isn't shown having in order to raise his combat competence to the expected level or 2) taking Curse Song/Lingering Song and debuffing the enemies instead. Both methods are going to help party members as well, though. So far as I can tell, DS class does nothing for anyone but Elan.See, this is when being a perfectionist is a nuisance.

Should I pop her Dex down to 13 to accommodate the 13 Str C&L Geekery says she has?Absolutely not. Her dex is known to be at least 20, maybe more (though that includes level up increases and possibly a magic item), and it's her most important stat.If you're willing to use the cheat console, there are to set ability scores to whatever you want, allowing you to completely bypass the point buy limitations. If you do this, then the only scores that matter on the character creation screen are intelligence for skill points and anything you need for prerequisites. Everything else you can set once you actually get in game. Absolutely not.

Her dex is known to be at least 20, maybe more (though that includes level up increases and possibly a magic item), and it's her most important stat.If you're willing to use the cheat console, there are to set ability scores to whatever you want, allowing you to completely bypass the point buy limitations.Yes, but it's 20+ at level 12+. At 17, I could still get it to 20 at level 12.

I'd rather not cheat if any other option is available. Gameplay wise, there's basically no difference between 10 and 13 Str for an archer, other than a Composite Bow, and even then, only one damage. I don't care about the carrying capacity. Between Roy, Belkar, and Durkon, everything ought to be pretty easily carried.

I seem to recall two semi-early Bags of Holding too. Okay, some changes:Redid Roy: 18 Str, 14 Int, 10 Con.

Extra skill points went to 2 ranks of Spot CC, leaving Survival as the only skill we lack entirely. Barely covered all the bases; Hide, Search, Move Silently, Concentration, Tumble, and Lore are the only skills covered by multiple characters.Redid Elan: 10 Str, 18 Cha. Power Attack changed to Lingering Song.Redid Vaarsuvius: Changed background to Wizard's Apprentice.

Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm Of Zehir Patch 1.22 Download

It's going to get me killed, though. +1 Spellcraft, Craft: Alchemy, and Lore.1 Spot and -1 Fort saves. Changed Burning Hands to Charm Person.Made Durkon Thundershield:Str: 16Dex: 8Con: 14Int: 10Wis: 18Cha: 6Background: Devout (+1 Will Saves, +1 Concentration, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Bluff)Domains: Earth, WarFeats: Luck of Heroes, Toughness (Domain), Weapon Focus: Warhammer (Domain)Deity: Moradin. Or 'Thoradin', if you fancy.Skills: Concentration, HealAll in all, this should be.interesting. 8's everywhere, but everyone has 18 in their main stat - except Belkar, because he's special. We're missing one of the most important skills, and some of the skills we have covered are by people who don't do them very well.

I expect V and/or Durkon will have to take up some kind of item crafting feats just to have places to throw skill points. I think I'll have to have the group slightly more interested in making items than the comic portrays. Alright, so I got everyone set up at level four and ready to adventure!