Counter-strike 1.6 Setup

Posted on admin Counter-strike 1.6 Setup Average ratng: 9,4/10 7104 votes

Description about Counter Strike 1.6Play the best of the world and first person shooter game. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist or police. Counter Strike game development of Valve is best team-based game in the world, this game first version started at 1999Years, first game was named Counter-Strike 1.0 Beta, later 2000years presented new version Counter-Strike 1.0 not beta. Counter-Strike have another version 1.5, Condition Zero, Counter-Strike Source.


This version of the popular assembly is new. In this assembly this time became even more changes and modifications of.New original background, new original GUI, nice new original sprites and full. The client is based on the latest official Steam client. Content is not suggested, not buggy, not throwing out working servers (the best Lithuanian CS 1.6 servers), fast speed.Quick installation and removal of the game in two clicks (installation takes 40-50 seconds). For installation does not need a CD-KEY. This new client works under any windows operating system (XP, VISTA, WINDOWS7, WINDOWS8, WINDOWS10) and conflict with all known cheats.This new Cs 1.6 install is not for cheaters. The game automatically adjusts to the protocol (47/48). Counter-strike 1.6 Setup Pc

Multiprotocol demopleer healthy function add current server to favorites (right-click).Optimally configured config for stable ping and fps. New server wizard work to play on servers on the internet.Have all of the popular cards that would avoid waiting when first entering the new server. Has all the popular models and additional sprites to avoid waiting at the first step to.


Counter-strike 1.6 Torrent

  • Important warning for CS 1.6 download! By downloading Counter strike 1.6 Setup, you are claiming that you own the original Steamed Counter strike 1.6 game and CS 1.6 copy downloaded from this website is just a copy for your personal use.
  • Counter-Strike 1.6 Download 170 MB When you download this game, Counter-Strike 1.6 NON-STEAM copy setup file, you confirm that you have the legal (steamed) version of this game and this one will be used only for your personal use. Counter-strike 1.6 Setup Mod

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